If you want to deploy a site with Github, you may choose github pages, but you have to set the repo to Public.

I am using Cloudflare worker to host my site, and it fetches some static files from Cloudflare pages. Cf pages is connected to my github account so that every time I make a commit on my private repo, it deploys automatically to update. It usually takes a few seconds and I think it is much faster than github pages which is based on busy github actions.

Here I changed to a new method, use raw.githubusercontent.com.

On Github: Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens, click Generate new token:

  • Fine-grain token is much safer but it has expiration date, maximium 1 year. I recommend this, it has an expiration email notification I think.
  • Classic token, with very high permission, and no expiry date.

You should carefully generate the token.


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_PAT_HERE" \


fetch(new Request("....",{headers:{
    "Authorization": "Bearer ....."

deploy with cloudflare worker as minimal pages

const GITHUBTOKEN = "ghp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
const GITHUBREPO = "user/repo/branch";
// `raw.githubusercontent.com/${GITHUBREPO}`

export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    return filterStatus(request);
 * Returns response if file exists ( http 200 )
 * @param {Request} request 
 * @returns {Promise<Response>}
async function filterStatus(request){

  let notfound = new Response("",{status:404});

  let responses = await judgePath(request);
  for (let resp of responses.values()) {
    /**@param {Response} aresp */
    let aresp = (await resp)||notfound;
    if(aresp.status === 200 ||aresp.status === 302) {
      return aresp;
  return handle404(request);// not found

 * Returns 404.html or 404
 * @param {Request} request 
 * @returns {Promise<Response>}
async function handle404(request){
  let resp = await (await judgePath(new Request("http://_/404.html")))[0];
    return new Response(resp.body, {
      headers: resp.headers,
      status: 404
  return new Response("",{status:404});

 * Returns 1-2 Response(s) for filterStatus
 * @param {Request} request 
 * @returns {Promise<Promise<Response>[]>}
async function judgePath(request){
  console.log("[judgepath] enter");
  let path = new URL(request.url).pathname;

  /**@param {Promise<Response>[]} responses */
  let responses=[];
    responses.push(fetchBranch(new Request("http://_"+path+"index.html")).then(
      resp => {
        if(resp.status == 200){
          let newHdr = {
            "content-type": "text/html"
          return new Response(resp.body,{headers:newHdr, status: resp.status});
    //responses.push(fetchBranch(new Request("http://_"+path+"index.htm")))
  } else {
    responses.push(fetchBranch(new Request("http://_"+path)).then(
      resp => {
        const contentTypeMapping = {
          'html': 'text/html', 
          'css': 'text/css',
          'js': 'application/javascript', 
          'json': 'application/json',
          'png': 'image/png', 
          'jpg': 'image/jpeg',
          'jpeg': 'image/jpeg', 
          'gif': 'image/gif',
          'txt': 'text/plain', 
          'bin': 'application/octet-stream',
        let newHdr = {
          "content-type": (contentTypeMapping[path.slice(path.lastIndexOf(".")+1)]||"text/plain")
         return new Response(resp.body, {
          headers: newHdr, status: resp.status

    console.log("try foldername with index")
    responses.push(fetchBranch(new Request("http://_"+path+"/index.html")).then(
        resp => {
          if(resp.status == 200){
            return Response.redirect(request.url+'/',302);
  return responses;

 * fetch from selected branch
 * @param {Request} request 
 * @returns {Promise<Response>}
async function fetchBranch(request){
  let url = request.url
    .replace( new URL(request.url).hostname, 
  console.log("fetch from: ",url);
  return fetchFromGithub(url);

 * 404 Not Found:
 *    FolderName, File-Non-Exist
 * 400 Invalid Request:
 *    Folder/, Non-Exist/
 * 200:
 *    File-Exist
 * Not sure:
 *    Folder-Exist//File-Exist ( multiple / may cause 302 from github )

 * Access to private repo
 * @param {string} url
 * @return {Promise<Response>}
async function fetchFromGithub (url){
  return fetch(new Request(url,
      headers: {
        "Authorization": `Bearer ${GITHUBTOKEN}`